And Then There Were None
Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by ESAReviewsComplaints
The First Review I Gave
Part of the first review I gave, included encouraging words by me, that were ignored… except…
the housekeeper in question went missing shortly after that.
Now I don’t know exactly what happened. I gave a very good review of a young lady housekeeper who was actually helpful, in strong contrast to the rest of they.
From my point of view, she was fired. Although a lot of employees came through, many of them for no other reason than to see me. “See me” is explained under “Sizing Me Up,” found in A Selection of Average Days. Basically, it says, many people came through pretending to be employees to get a look at me. Maybe not “pretending.” Maybe and sometimes definitely “borrowed” from a sister Extended Stay America or two.