ESAReviewsComplaints's Latest Posts
The Season of Lint
Just trying to figure out why the towels they gave me leave lint all over my body. Everything touched by the towels got ‘linted-‘ the kind of lint that you have to pick off one piece at a time. It takes forever to pick, and then you have to somehow get it off of […]
A Hair-Raising Ordeal
Somewhat related to Here, There and Everywhere. And related to The Second Time I Called the Police. This is about the few times they (an expanded “they”) followed me when I’d make haircut appointments. Here I Go Each time I’d get a haircut at a location of a particular hair cutting place, I’d […]
Disclaimer1 There is no way for me to prove Sick. The only way to prove it is with a confession. Since there are so many people involved, someone is going to spill it some day. But, if I’m wrong, and it was a natural occurrence, then I will quickly and easily apologize. Right now, I […]
The Actress
And not a very good one at that! She is AKA Clerk1-N. This is about the person who said things she couldn’t possibly have known about me, but did. And she sounded like everything she said was a bad actor reading from a script. So obvious. So scary. Such evil intent. These two, […]
The Use of Innocent Children
During managers Manager1-T and Manager2-X tenures, they would have people with children crowd the area outside of my room. They would run races, and play games. At any given time, day or night, when children were “innocently” walking by, they would have the children walk harder when they were in front of my room. […]
This Just In
I’ve got so much to write, and they keep giving me new material. Even though I promised myself I’d do something everyday, even I need time off. And there’s so much to chose from- my older diary hasn’t even been touched yet! I also need time to read while I ask you to […]
A Brand New Harassment
This one is really very creative. They have put a dog, with a high voice, in the room on the other side of my room from the TV/Slam room. It’s the first time I know of that they have done this. Because there is a hole in the wall, the size of a […]