Similar processes are located in category “Offsite.” Categories are also located just below the title on each post, and can also be found here. There are more related incidents in some of the other posts. How Convenient Sometimes I’d walk past the front office to the convenience store one driveway down after restaurant. […]
I Am What I Am
When I first checked in, the room they put me in after they changed their minds about leaving me in a “good” room, there were all these specks of dust and metal from the fan and housing above the stove. At the bottom of this page there is a huge pic of what the […]
A Hair-Raising Ordeal
Somewhat related to Here, There and Everywhere. And related to The Second Time I Called the Police. This is about the few times they (an expanded “they”) followed me when I’d make haircut appointments. Here I Go Each time I’d get a haircut at a location of a particular hair cutting place, I’d […]
It Follows
Psychological Torture WORKS! And it’s not very complicated at all. See how easy it is in this post… Here I describe my encounters, so far, with Manger5-J. She started by posting a letter on my door a few weeks ago. I didn’t even know there was a new manager- five in six and a […]
Here, There and Everywhere
Note: This post contains observances. Although it is likely, it doesn’t prove what they‘ve done. It could all be coincidence. If so, it has coincidence in common with many posts. Everywhere A few years ago, everywhere I went, when I’d get out of my car, or into my car, a horn would go, […]