FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 7, 2023 0 Comments

Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by ESAReviewsComplaints


Why do people harass other people?

From Quora:

They are miserable & insecure. If someone was actually living a good life, were loved, & had a lot going for them then they wouldn’t waste their time harassing others because they would have a lot of better things to do. How you feel about yourself & your life is exactly what you project onto others & into the world. Happy people are kind, loving, & cool people. Miserable people project pain & mock others to slightly feel better about their miserable existence.

The common denominator between the group, what holds them together, is hate. They are made for each other.

So sad for they/them. It’s now over seven years. So sad.


Why didn’t you complain to management?

I did, and things got worse.

I sent four written complaints through their internet complaint portal, and they were mostly ignored. There was one answer. That was my meeting with UpperManager1-V. Read about those multiple farces here- My Date with V.

In addition, I wrote a short review, posted on Youtube and gave 20 other Extended Stay America managers a link.

Here’s what became of THAT: One called me to make sure it wasn’t happening at her hotel. That was the peak of Extended Stay America’s concern. One manager out of over 20 including probably all the employees at the hotel where I am and who knows how many other employees at the other 20 Extended Stay America hotels?

In one of the complaints submitted through their portal, I said,

The manager is evil and cruel.

Years later, still, no one has asked me what I meant. I am still ready to answer that question.

Have I mentioned yet that this hotel has had five managers in six years? They all knew about it, and again, the number of employees who know about it is probably more than dozens.

All those people. They want to run MY life based on THEIR feelings! In a business relationship where I regularly pay money to live. I don’t even know them. And they don’t know me, but, their bad feelings seem to be the only way they can make themselves feel good about themselves. In a business relationship.


Why didn’t you call the police?

I did, and things just got worse. The local police would hang out here all day long and into the nights. Some of them lived here, and were part of the harassments. I explain that clown show here. These police are close friends of management. They all stick together and they have to because it would be so easy for them to get caught, but unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about it.

And I also believe there were crimes taking place right under the officers’ noses. On the same hand is the fact that all of these people were close-knit. Or maybe the officers didn’t know, but I think that it hard to believe because even I could see it, and I know nothing about it. Or, it could just be innuendo. I will explain in another place or another time. I can’t be clear about EVERYTHING I’ve seen because I don’t know the legal ramifications.

I do know one thing for sure- had the police done what I asked them to do that night, it all would’ve been over THAT NIGHT!


What makes you so special- why are they doing this to you?

Nothing and- I wish I knew. That’s one of the reasons I have not left- too many unanswered questions in too many categories. See the next question.


Why don’t you just leave? (that’s what a cop wanted to know while he ignored my complaint that would’ve caught them red-handed including another cop)

It all boils down to this: I came to Extended Stay America for a business relationship. I do not want the feelings of the strangers who work there to determine the course of my life. They want to force their bad feelings on me and that is just not right.

There are multiple reasons, but an important one is that I’ve done nothing wrong. These people’s emotions have ruined the business agreement, and I want to know exactly why. And you want to know why too, don’t you? And I want to know how this woman, Manager1-T, and her henchpeople became so sickly obsessed. And I want to know if this is a thing that happens regularly that I was never informed about, because after all this time, they have no fear. They seem to think that I have no way to contact people who are not in the room with me, but they know for sure that I am not here all the time- I don’t have the ability to discuss this with others? They seem to perform as “protected,” and that is why I think an upper management member told them it’s “okay” to do these things. They have taken it all too far, and I want people to know about this.

Well, there are many reasons. And I am only going to tell the least of them. First of all, what did I do wrong? Is what’s happening to me in this farce the usual way hotel staff reacts to paying people they don’t like? I think if they don’t like me, that is their problem. Why do THEIR feelings have to be MY problem? I pay to live here- if it were a different situation, I’d be glad to leave where people don’t want me.

There is one answer that would be common among people who do no wrong, yet the people around them try to make them leave their home for places unknown. Although Extended Stay America is not really “home,” it is a facsimile at this time in my life, unpleasant as it might be. And IS!!!

The top answer to this question is something that I think people can figure out themselves. But nonetheless, I have more reasons in addition to that one common reason. Plus, I badly want to know what they think they are doing by forming their group for seemingly no reason but to cause me mental discomfort and harm.



It started on the second night, and then just kept getting worse. I don’t know why IT STARTED, but after I had been here awhile, I gave an impromptu live review of Pants on Bonfire and there’s a chance it’s partly about revenge. The other reason is a reason that I’m afraid to make public. Manager1-T started this on my second night, and I believe I am not her first victim. She might have a checklist to “remove” certain people, so she gives them The Treatment. The first review took place months later, after she had a chance to lie to me repeatedly and repeatedly do unsatisfactory work. It all just fits together too well for it to have happened on a whim.

They harass on company time, and their own time. They use tools and access given to them by the company for work, to manipulate me and to spy on me, not necessarily with their eyes. It is so worth it to them.

I NEED TO KNOW WHY. Maybe not “need,” but definitely “have.”

But I think they had more planned than just mental harm. That story is located here- The Actress. And there’s a possibility that Manager1-T went farther into darkness than even that, and that story is entitled, Sick.

But I will give you a good hint as to why I didn’t leave, even though that was the advice most people gave me – I don’t like being chased. If I left, it I’d be running forever. During the first week, before I knew that I was a ‘guest of interest,’ there were annoying sounds from the TV/Slam room. I still didn’t realize that that room was used by employees. I believe it was rented to Manager1-T’s friend who breaks all the rules. They partied night and day. Well, I thought of moving. There’s not that many hotels/motels with a kitchen. I thought I’d just tough it out. And there were even problems with the kitchen. I have endured an awful lot, and again, or for the first time, I do have the “need to know” why!

When I became fully aware of what was really happening, and what these people were trying to do to me, it became more important that I don’t move, because I felt like, if they chase me out of here, what is going to happen in the future? I will be running away for the rest of my life. What if the “they” at the new place were in touch with people here and the new “they” did the same thing? The nearest and probably only hotels with kitchens are Extended Stay America. I have several stories that answer that question- I Am What I Am and Convenience describes two of many “coincidences.” I decided to stay put. They can’t harass me forever. Boy was I wrong about THAT time period.

(I’m sure I somewhere above gave an answer I was trying to dodge.)

Why is there someone banging on the metal bars in front of your room on the balcony?

The answer is in the pages on this site. And, as mentioned above, at Quora.


Why do they concentrate on using sound so much to drive you crazy?

Early in my stay, I read an article that said that noise is against the law in the city now. When I mentioned it to the police, they couldn’t have cared less. When I made my complaints about the TV being too loud, I don’t know why I got so personal- I said that I have sound integration problems, and that sound that people hear at a normal volume, is hard for me because certain sounds are uncomfortable. Oh how I wish I never said that. Manager1-T concentrates on trying to impose on the way I hear things. She has been using sound to drive me crazy. She even said it to me by accident that day she burst into my room to call me “filthy” and other things. Had no problem hearing THAT. And, it’s on an audio file.


Do you also know why they chose door slamming as well to make you jump out of your seat a dozen or more times a day?

I do. I’m saving a more complete answer for the right time.


When Covid started, why did the clerk hand you a box of tissues using only two fingers?

I don’t know, but I started carrying a little spray bottle of alcohol and sprayed my car door handles, and several places in the room whenever I left, got into my car wherever it was, and when I returned to the room. Before she handed it to me, she went into the area behind the office that is out of sight, and spent a lot of time back there. But that could’ve been another version of this.


If you could say that your life at Extended Stay America is like a movie, which movie would it be?

They should rename this room to “1408.” “1408” is “living hell.” And they are not shy in showing it off. For example, yesterday, it was quiet. I was worried that something happened to the clowns. See, “It’s so Funny” on this page: https://extendedstayamericareviews.com/omg-the-clowns-are-freaking-me-out/ , but, I shouldn’t have been worried, because they are making up for it today using their fav- over-the-top TV volume. I don’t think they can stand it themselves, but they put up with it, because they want me to feel “hell,” and **** (the word I’m afraid to say in public).

Even though I’ve learned to cope with it, it is not problem-free.

It’s hell at Extended Stay America.

Hell I tells ya! And it works like “hell” in some ways- little pieces of time where nothing is happening. Quiet time in hell is supposed to make you think it is over. And then it starts again. In the movie, that is one of the scariest things. I live it. Daily. Going on seven years. And again, one of the reasons I won’t leave is not only because I’ve done nothing wrong and I am not the kind of person to blame others for being who they are, considering what cards they were dealt, there is too many coincidences and unanswered questions.


Do most people who leave their hotel rooms turn the TV volume up to the max or near the max right before they leave?

That, is another question I do not have the answer to. But one thing is for sure, whomever has rented the room next to me- AKA The TV/Slam room, has almost always done that as a regular practice.

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