Who is They?

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 6, 2023 0 Comments

Last Updated on July 20, 2024 by ESAReviewsComplaints


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This page acts as a table of contents to include all, or almost all, of the players.


Everybody has their own personal terrorists. Right? I can’t be the only one. Below is a list of the major players who have been terrorizing me almost daily for a solid seven years and counting.


They” are management, employees and friends of management and employees at Extended Stay America aka ESA. They have been harassing and intimidating me for almost seven years now. I decided that I could cope with it better if I were to write about it. It helps, but it’ll help more after search engine optimization takes place.

And… you are probably wondering why I don’t just leave. Am I right? The FAQ probably has the answers, or some of the answers (at least).

They,” includes the following:



Manager1-T – Tenure was years 1-3. She is the one that started it all.  Although she hasn’t been here that I know of since she left, she is the reason all these things are still happening. Sometimes, when several harassments are taking place at the same time, I consider that she might be on the property.

>Includes AsstManager1-J.

>Includes Housekeeper1-M.

>Includes Clerk1-N.

>Includes Policeman1.

>Includes MaintenanceMan1

>Includes Helper50

>Includes UpperManager-V



Manager2-X – Tenure was years 3-4. A very close friend of Manager1-T, and like everyone, close or good friends, willing to carry on the manufacturing of trouble for me.

MaintenanceMan1 continued under this manager.



Manager3-M – Tenure was years 4-5. The only man. I believe he was sent here to see if he could “get me in line.” Of course, as he found out, I am just a person who is being persecuted by his colleagues and bosses. And there will be an intricate article about how he purposely tried to make me look “crazy” against something I was saying, and how he sicked AsstManager2-B on me.

>Includes AsstManager2-B. She really had me fooled. Fooled good! She had some standout nasty tricks up her sleeve too.

>Includes MaintenanceMan2



Manager4-? – Tenure was years 4.5 to 5.

>Includes AsstManager2-B. The one who “really” had me fooled.



Manager5-J – Tenure is 5 to at least 7.

Not sure if AsstManager2-B is still here. New info on her and she isn’t here anymore that I’ve seen.

Helper50 and Helper51 – a man and a woman, the woman arrived with Manager5-J

>Includes MaintenanceMan3-J

>Includes Clerk2-T (her name starts with T, but it also stands for “Tricky.”)

>Includes Housekeeper2-M


Extended They


All of the Above

The values above are approximate. For example, the 4th and 5th years might not be exactly one or two years. I’ve split it up based on my time here and who was manager at the time.

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